Welcome to the STK-SuperTournament!

Regarding the time poll be awared that most european countries have a time shift at 25th October. The UTC time is not changing.

The next STK-Supertournament is taking place between November 1st and November 28th, 2020.

This tournament is for everyone, but especially pro players are very welcome to join.

In order to participate, type /join on the server "STK Supertournament".

In order to edit your time poll (see below "6. Time poll"), just run /ican [time] on the server "STK Supertournament". The time has to be given in a certain format. For example mo16 means Monday 16 UTC, 17 means 17 UTC on all days, weekdays18 means 18 UTC on weekdays, weekends means on weekends on any time, we means on Wednesdays at any time, all means at any time. With the command /icant [time] you can remove times you already chose with /ican [time]. If you have specific days on which you can't play, tell organizers, e.g. via Discord.

The teams are created with the goal to get strong and balanced teams of three players. Each team should include a suitable defender who can take the goalkeeper position. The organizers will make suggestions for teams after the registration closes (October 30th, 2020) which can be changed by the participants until October 31st, 2020. It is also possible to register as a whole team of three players.

This tournament is played without substitutes. If your timetable changes and you know you cannot come to a match, please tell it 24 hours before the match starts so the match can be rescheduled. If not all participants are there a yellow card will be shown to missing players if not told 24 hours before. The game will then be played as 2vs2 or 1vs1. If both teams want to reschedule the match instead of playing with fewer players, they can ask the organizers to do so. If a suitable time is found it is possible to reschedule the match. This should only be done on rare occasions, for example when the balance changes very much because of the missing player.

Each match includes five games, all played with 7 minutes time limit. The first game is played on Icy Soccer Field, the second one on an addon chosen by the first team, the third one on Soccer Field, Las Dunas or Tournament Field (voted by all playing players), the fourth one is played on an addon chosen by the second team and the fifth on SuperTournament Field. Each addon can only be chosen once in the whole tournament, so in total 42 addons are played. There are 27 "normal addons" and 15 texture mods to choose.

Discord: Discord (Invitation: Here)

Prediction Game: Kicktipp

Supertournament September 2020: Supertournament September 2020

Supertournament July 2020: Supertournament July 2020

1. Participants

  1. TheRocker
  2. bodicelu
  3. mahmoudtark25
  4. qxel
  5. takos
  6. NobWow
  7. limon09
  8. monk
  9. bananenfisch
  10. FabianF
  11. rOml
  12. UnDevDeCatOS
  13. derFragwuerdige
  14. LLS
  15. Waldlaubsaengernest
  16. quienleeestoestonto
  17. BigDB
  18. mimiz
  19. Davster
  20. ilya_trukhin
  21. George-Calibur
  22. nascartux
  23. boxx

2. Teams

Team A monk bananenfisch FabianF
Team B TheRocker takos derFragwuerdige
Team C mimiz bodicelu LLS
Team D rOml NobWow qxel
Team E limon09 Davster mahmoudtark25
Team F Waldlaubsaengernest quienleeestoestonto BigDB
Team G George-Calibur / nascartux / i386DX UnDevDeCatOS / boxx / MobileFabianF ilya_trukhin

3. Match-Plan

# Match Day Date (UTC) Referee(s) Result Game Point Result Winner Addon Server Video Notes
1 B vs F Fr 2020-10-30 19:00 FabianF 4-2 6-0 2-5 13-4 3-4 3-2 B Another-Soccer-Field/Las-Dunas/Forest Rocker here -
2 A vs E Sa 2020-10-31 18:00 TheRocker 20-3 11-5 6-6 14-1 12-6 5-1 A Wooden-Soccer/Tournament-Field/Nitro-Soccer-Field Rocker here 2vs2
3 C vs G Mo 2020-11-02 18:00 TheRocker 9-5 4-5 12-1 0-1 10-7 3-2 C Database/Tournament-Field/Mega-Puck Rocker here 2vs2 in first 3 games
4 E vs B Tu 2020-11-03 19:00 FabianF 7-5 3-2 7-4 0-1 4-7 3-2 E Egypt/Soccer-Field/In-A-Pit Rocker here 2vs2
5 D vs A Th 2020-11-05 18:00 TheRocker 8-8 3-11 5-3 0-2 1-16 2-4 A Zen/Soccer-Field/Alien-Playground Rocker here -
6 F vs C Fr 2020-11-06 18:30 TheRocker 0-12 3-3 2-4 9-7 1-13 2-4 C Sky-Soccer/Las-Dunas/Advanced-Course Rocker here -
7 G vs B We 2020-11-11 18:00 FabianF 1-6 2-12 4-4 2-7 3-8 1-5 B Subsea-Soccer/Soccer-Field/Cosmic Rocker here -
8 D vs F Fr 2020-11-13 18:30 TheRocker 7-4 7-13 6-9 6-4 9-5 3-2 D Mountain-Soccer/Soccer-Field/Air-Hockey Rocker here -
9 F vs A Mo 2020-11-16 16:00 TheRocker 5-13 3-12 2-13 7-10 5-7 0-5 A Beach-Soccer-Stadium/Soccer-Field/Street-Hockey Rocker here 2vs2
10 G vs D Mo 2020-11-16 17:45 TheRocker 3-7 7-6 1-8 0-4 3-6 1-4 D Box/Soccer-Field/Snowy-Egypt Rocker here -
11 C vs E Mo 2020-11-16 18:45 TheRocker 5-5 5-2 6-2 6-1 7-8 4-2 C Experimental-Field-2/Las-Dunas/Minigolf-Soccer Rocker here -
12 E vs G We 2020-11-18 19:00 TheRocker 9-5 4-0 10-4 6-8 5-2 4-1 E Igneous-Playground/Tournament-Field/Fan Rocker here -
13 B vs D Th 2020-11-19 17:30 FabianF 7-2 14-1 1-7 5-2 4-2 4-1 B Hole-Drop/Tournament-Field/Grassy-Farmfield Rocker here -
14 A vs C Th 2020-11-19 18:30 TheRocker 6-6 15-6 8-6 8-4 6-5 5-1 A Soccer-Arena-X/TournamentField/Fan-Magma Rocker here -
15 B vs C Fr 2020-11-20 18:30 Waldlaubsaengernest 4-8 4-7 6-7 2-1 7-9 1-4 C Vivid-Vacuum/Soccer-Field/Experimental-Plane-3 Rocker here -
16 D vs E Mo 2020-11-23 18:00 TheRocker 5-11 4-9 9-5 2-1 9-6 3-2 D Math-Class/Soccer-Field/Asteroid Rocker here -
17 G vs A Mo 2020-11-23 19:00 TheRocker 2-7 6-7 5-12 6-3 5-13 1-4 A Alt-Tournament-Field/Soccer-Field/Winter-Forest Rocker here -
18 C vs D Tu 2020-11-24 18:00 TheRocker 6-9 9-3 5-6 6-3 6-6 3-3 Draw Bizarre-Darkness/Soccer-Field/Nitro-Soccer-Field(Alt) Rocker here -
19 E vs F Tu 2020-11-24 19:00 TheRocker 7-4 5-4 7-7 4-4 12-4 5-2 E Mine-Soccer/Soccer-Field/Stony-Basketball Rocker here -
20 F vs G We 2020-11-25 19:00 TheRocker 3-7 6-7 2-1 4-3 3-10 2-3 G Pi-Soccer/Las-Dunas/Sea-Soccer Rocker here -
21 A vs B Th 2020-11-26 19:00 re342 10-7 5-5 6-7 3-5 3-2 3-3 Draw Simplified-Chess-Field/Experimental-Field-1 Rocker here -

4. Table

Rank Team Points GamePoints Goals Matches Won Drawn Lost
1 A 16 26-8 (+18) 270-137 (+133) 6 5 1 0
2 C 13 19-15 (+4) 194-145 (+49) 6 4 1 1
3 B 10 18-14 (+4) 164-121 (+43) 6 3 1 2
4 D 10 16-16 (+0) 153-184 (-31) 6 3 1 2
5 E 9 17-17 (+0) 161-182 (-21) 6 3 0 3
6 G 3 9-22 (-13) 116-197 (-81) 6 1 0 5
7 F 0 10-23 (-13) 128-220 (-92) 6 0 0 6

5. Scorer list

Player Team Played games Goals

6. Time Poll

# Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19
TheRocker y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
bodicelu y y y y y
qxel y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
NobWow y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
limon09 y y y y y y y y y y y y y
FabianF y y y y y y y y y y y y y
bananenfisch y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
UnDevDeCatOS y y y y y y y
rOml y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
derFragwuerdige y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
Waldlaubsaengernest y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
LLS y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
quienleeestoestonto y y y y y
BigDB y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
mimiz y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
monk y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
Davster y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
takos y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
George-Calibur y y y y y y y y y y y y
ilya_trukhin y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
mahmoudtark25 y y y y y y y y y y
boxx y
nascartux y
MobileFabianF y

7. Rules

For general rules, please read what is written at the very top of the page. Below you can find more detailed rules.

7.1 Punishments
Referees can give yellow cards to misbehaving players:
- If a player comes more than 5 minutes too late to a match.
- If a player keeps insulting other players.
- If a player does gamethrowing, such as leaving the game without reason or purposely playing against their own team.
Note that the referee will always warn the misbehaving player before giving a yellow card.

Yellow cards result in punishments:
- Two yellow cards mean that the player has to play the next game with Tux.
- The third yellow card means that the next game has to be played with Gnu.
- The fourth yellow card means that the next game has to be played with Pidgin.
- After five yellow cards the player misses the next match and is not substituted.
In case someone keeps misbehaving seriously, organizers have the right to show a red card to this player which means disqualifying them from the tournament.

Already given yellow cards:

Player Yellow Cards

7.2 Tournament structure
In this tournament there are 7 teams, which play in one group "all vs all", meaning that every team has to play one match against all others. Winning one out of 5 games gives 1-0 points into games column, so in a game where one team wins all 5 games, this team has 5-0 games. Winning a whole match gives 3 points into points column, a draw gives 1 and a loss 0. In the end, the team with most points wins, if there are teams with the same number of points, games decide.

7.3 Referee
Every match should have at least one referee who e.g. decides what happens in critical situations. To be referee, tell organizers.
Commands for referees:
- /game X Y : Starts game number X with Y minutes
- /count and /nocount : Enables/Disables writing results into wiki page
- /setfield addon-id : Sets the chosen addon in games 2 and 4
- /setkart kart-id player : Give players a particular kart (punishment)
- /stop and /go : Stop and restart a game
- /skip and /noskip : Skips writing game result to website (ignores ending of game)/Stops ignoring game ends
- /lobby : To make players go to lobby, only usable after /skip
- /init R B : After restarting a game, inserting the current count where R is red team's score and B blue team's
- /yellow P R : Gives a yellow card to player P with reason R
- /addon , /server , /notes and /video : Update the match details on wiki

7.4 Match structure
Every match consists of 5 games, each played with 7 minutes time limit:
- Game 1 on Icy Soccer Field
- Game 2 on an addon chosen by the first team
- Game 3 on one of the follwing arenas, voted by all players: Soccer Field, Las Dunas, Tournament Field
- Game 4 on an addon chosen by the second team
- Game 5 on SuperTournament Field
Each addon can only be chosen once in the whole tournament, so in total 42 addons are played. There are 26 "normal addons" and 16 texture mods to choose.

List of choosable addons:

List of already taken addons: