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Tournament has finished!

Congrats to Team A for winning the tournament!

Welcome to the STK-SuperTournament!

We start the first STK-SuperTournament in July.

This Tournament is for everyone but especially pro players are very welcome to join.

Regularities are similar to the normal tournaments but can be changed if needed.

One difference is that the teams can be chosen freely, that means that 3 players can register as team if they want. Just edit the section "Teams" for that.

Second difference is that the "home team" chooses the addon in second match. Each addon can only be choosen once.

Discord: Discord

Prediction Game: Kicktipp

1. Registration/Players

Type your name here to be part of the tournament (edit).

1.1 Participants

🧍You can add/remove your name.

  1. TheRocker
  2. qxel
  3. Ubuntu-Spieler
  4. jsonbrne
  5. monk
  6. bodicelu
  7. Waldlaubsaengernest
  8. Ghost_Rider
  9. z_sk
  10. mahmoudtark25
  11. EliaK-Art
  12. mimiz

Substitution players:

  1. Haenschen
  2. actual nobody
  3. actual nobody

Registration is closed, but you can register as substitute.

2. Teams

Team Ⓐ monk bodicelu qxel
Team Ⓑ Ubuntu-Spieler TheRocker Ghost_Rider
Team Ⓒ jsonbrne mimiz Waldlaubsaengernest
Team Ⓓ mahmoudtark25 EliaK-Art z_sk

3. Tournament overview

1. round

# Match Day Date (UTC) Referee(s) Result Winner Arena Server 🎥 Notes
1.5 Ⓓ↔Ⓑ Thursday 2020-07-09 17:00 TheRocker 10:8 5:4 11:7 Las Dunas Rocker failed :-( Haenschen substituted mahmoudtark
1.1 Ⓐ↔Ⓑ Friday 2020-07-10 17:00 TheRocker 9:4 12:3 17:5 Database Rocker here FabianF substituted Ghost_Rider
1.2 Ⓑ↔Ⓒ Monday 2020-07-13 17:00 TheRocker 6:6 8:7 7:10 Draw Hole-Drop Rocker here FabianF substituted Ghost_Rider in first match.
1.3 Ⓒ↔Ⓓ Tuesday 2020-07-14 17:00 TheRocker 10:8 8:7 12:4 Air-Hockey Rocker here
1.6 Ⓐ↔Ⓓ Wednesday 2020-07-15 17:00 TheRocker 8:8 8:5 5:14 Draw Soccer-Field Rocker here Haenschen substituted mahmoudtark25 in last 3:30 of game 2 and game 3.
1.4 Ⓒ↔Ⓐ Thursday 2020-07-16 17:00 TheRocker 7-7 6-10 9-5 Draw Another-Soccer-Field Rocker here FabianF substituted qxel in game 1 and 2.

2. round

# Match Day Date (UTC) Referee(s) Result Winner Arena Server Video Notes
2.5 Ⓑ↔Ⓓ Friday 2020-07-17 17:00 TheRocker 8:6 10:4 13:7 Cosmic Rocker here This match was played as 2 vs 2 with Ubuntu + Rocker vs mahmoudtark + z_sk.
2.2 Ⓒ↔Ⓑ Monday 2020-07-20 17:00 TheRocker 6:4 7:6 11:2 Box Rocker here FabianF played for Ubuntu-Spieler.
2.4 Ⓐ↔Ⓒ Tuesday 2020-07-21 17:00 FabianF 9:9 7:6 4:6 Draw Zen Wald here here 🖊️ Epic game
2.1 Ⓑ↔Ⓐ Wednesday 2020-07-22 17:00 TheRocker 2:14 5:10 4:15 Vivid Vacuum Wald here
2.3 Ⓓ↔Ⓒ Thursday 2020-07-23 17:15 Waldlaub-saengernest 0:21 2:9 7:9 Forest Wald here
2.6 Ⓓ↔Ⓐ Sunday 2020-07-26 17:00 Waldlaub-saengernest 4:12 3:11 2:12 Egypt Wald here

4. Table (final)

Rank Team Points Game Points Goals
🥇 12 15:6 (+9) 175:102 (+73)
🥈 12 15:6 (+9) 159:103 (+56)
🥉 4 5:14 (-9) 106:167 (-61)
4 4 5:14 (-9) 107:175 (-68)

5. Scorer list (final)

Player Team Played games Goals

6. Time Poll

🧍You can add line with your name.

Please give Times in UTC (you can convert it with Time zone converter).

Player Preferences
qxel Fr 10 all day, Su 12 from 16UTC, from 13th to 16th all day, Sa 18 all day, from 20th to 22th all day, Su 26 all day
Waldlaubsaengernest Each day except Wednesday, 15-19h UTC
bodicelu 17_17.30 UTC Tu - Su, Sunday can in the morning too
Ubuntu-Spieler Mo - Su every time, but not after 18h UTC
jsonbrne mostly after 17 UTC, and preferred weekdays (Monday till Thursday)
monk every time every day is good for stk :)
Ghost_Rider In the weekdays at any time, but in the other days after 18h UTC
z_sk everytime (but no very good in this Sunday - family visit)
EliaK-Art TU WE & TH from 16:00 to 17:00 UTC & after 19 UTC; SA & SU from 12:30 UTC to 16 UTC

7. Rules

The first three games are played with 10 minute limit. The first game is played on ice, the second on an addon track (without ice/tournament field) and the third is played on tournament field. The addon can be selected by the first team of the match (e.g. Team A vs Team B means that Team A can select the addon). Each addon can only be taken once, so in the tournament 12 different addons are played.

Yellow cards are given by the referee if instructions are not followed (however always a warning is given before). Two yellow cards mean that the player has to choose a kart unequal Wilber or Hexley in next match. The third yellow card means that a game has to be played with Pidgin. After the fourth yellow card the player misses one match and is substituted.

7.1 Warnings

z_sk: 🟨 card for not starting game but continue chatting (1.5 Ⓓ↔Ⓑ)

8. Chat

To use chat on this page:

  • Log in.
  • Look at the number aside chat button. This is the number of users connected to the chatroom.
  • Click on the chat button.

🧍 Hide/show chat window with click on title Chat in chat window.

/home/luffahxyek/www/wiki/supertuxkart/data/pages/stk-supertournament_2020_07.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/03 12:21 (external edit)