Welcome to the STK-SuperTournament!

The next STK Supertournament takes place in January 2022.
The matches are planned to be played between 10th and 31st of January.

Join Supertournament: Registration (Deadline: 6th January 23:59 UTC)
Join us on discord: Discord (Invitation: Here)

Previous tournaments:

Supertournament November 2021 Supertournament March 2021 Supertournament January 2021 Supertournament November 2020 Supertournament September 2020 Supertournament July 2020


Fill the registration form and install the addon folder which will be linked here after registration deadline.

After (!) registration, play at least 3 representive games (5-8 players, more or less balanced teams) at Rocker Large or Rocker 3vs3 server until 6th January 23:59 UTC.

Download Addons: /installaddon https://the-rocker.de/tracks/super.zip at any server.

The 5 most voted addons (4 of 5 required, Wood-Warbler-Soccer mandatory):
1. Super-Tournament-Field (6 votes)
2. Wood-Warbler-Soccer (5 votes)
3. xr-4r3n4 (5 votes)
4. Island-Soccer (4 votes)
5. Forest (4 votes)

We recommend to use SuperTuxKart 1.3 or later. Have fun :)

1. Participants

  1. TheRocker
  2. Waldlaubsaengernest
  3. LLS
  4. TheGastonix09LolXD
  5. bubbbubb
  6. FMWM
  7. UnDevDeCatOS
  8. Raikone
  9. mrkubax10
  10. jorgesumle2
  11. dbisu
  12. Ox450x6c
  13. NobWow
  14. qxel
  15. Haenschen
  16. reydelavalla
  17. Okty
  18. Sinus_Linus
  19. AVPI

2. Teams

Team A LLS bubbbubb UnDevDeCatOS
Team B TheRocker qxel Sinus_Linus
Team C Haenschen dbisu Okty
Team D Ox450x6c FMWM reydelavalla
Team E jorgesumle2 Waldlaubsaengernest TheGastonix09LolXD

3. Match-Plan

# Match Day Date (UTC) Referee(s) Result Game Point Result Winner Addon 1 Addon 2 Video
1 A vs B Monday 2022-01-10 19:00 TheRocker 5-6 6-13 10-3 1-2 B supertournament-field island-soccer here
2 D vs E Tuesday 2022-01-11 19:00 TheRocker 7-9 7-5 5-9 1-2 E wood-warbler-soccer supertournament-field here
3 B vs C Saturday 2022-01-15 17:30 TheRocker 10-4 5-4 6-4 3-0 B soccer_field xr-4r3n4_1 here
4 C vs D Sunday 2022-01-16 19:00 Gelbbrauenlaubsaenger 4-6 0-6 5-1 1-2 D skyline--soccer- xr-4r3n4_1 here
5 B vs D Tuesday 2022-01-18 19:00 TheRocker 5-3 5-5 2-6 2-2 Draw soccer_field wood-warbler-soccer here
6 E vs A Friday 2022-01-21 19:00 TheRocker 6-4 3-4 7-4 2-1 E huge xr-4r3n4_1 here
7 C vs E Saturday 2022-01-22 17:30 TheRocker 4-3 12-4 6-5 3-0 C soccer_field xr-4r3n4_1 here
8 D vs A Monday 2022-01-24 19:00 TheRocker 6-8 7-3 7-5 2-1 D skyline--soccer- supertournament-field here
9 E vs B Tuesday 2022-01-25 19:00 TheRocker 7-8 6-8 5-5 1-3 B wood-warbler-soccer wood-warbler-soccer here
10 A vs C Saturday 2022-01-29 17:00 TheRocker 3-9 5-5 0-12 1-3 C soccer_field xr-4r3n4_1 here

4. Table

Rank Team Points GamePoints Goals Matches Won Drawn Lost
1 B 10 10-4 (+6) 76-65 (+11) 4 3 1 0
2 D 7 7-6 (+1) 66-60 (+6) 4 2 1 1
3 C 6 7-6 (+1) 69-54 (+15) 4 2 0 2
4 E 6 5-8 (-3) 69-74 (-5) 4 2 0 2
5 A 0 4-9 (-5) 57-84 (-27) 4 0 0 4

5. Scorer list

Player Goals

6. Rules

6.1 Tournament structure
This tournament will be played in "each against each" mode, which means that each of the N teams will play once against each other team.

Winning one out of 3 games gives 1-0 points into game points column, so in a match where one team wins all 3 games, this team gets 3-0 game points. A draw gives 1-1 game points.

Winning a whole match gives 3 points into points column, a draw gives 1 and a loss 0. In the end, the team with most points wins, if there are teams with the same number of points, game points decide.

6.2 Match structure
Every match consists of 3 games, each played with 7 minutes time limit:

  • Game 1 on Icy Soccer Field
  • Game 2 on Soccer-Field, Las-Dunas or any Addon (players vote for addons before tournament)
  • Game 3 on Wood-Warbler-Soccer or any Addon

  • Before the tournament starts, an addon folder will be linked on the website. The addon folder consists of the 5 most selected addons in the registration form and the new SuperTournament-Field called Wood Warbler Soccer. Wood-Warbler-Soccer and 4 of 5 addons in this folder are required to play the tournament games.

    6.3 Substitutions
    A missing player can be replaced by a substitute if both players have comparable skills in the position-based ranking. In case that the substitute is much stronger than the missing player, the substitute should restore the balance by chosing a different kart. If not enough matching substitutes are found, the game can also be played as 2 vs 2.

    6.4 Referee
    Every match should have at least one referee who e.g. decides what happens in critical situations. To be referee, tell organizers.
    Commands for referees:
  • /game X Y : Starts game number X with Y minutes.
  • /setfield addon-id : Sets the chosen addon. Currently not needed because done automatically.
  • /setkart kart-id player : Give players a particular kart (punishment or balance).
  • /stop and /go : Stop and restart a game.
  • /lobby : To make players go to lobby.
  • /init R B : After restarting a game, inserting the current count where R is red team's score and B blue team's.
  • /yellow P R : Gives a yellow card to player P with reason R.
  • /addon , /server , /notes and /video : Update the match details on wiki.

  • Also the referee should follow the following guidelines:
  • The match starts at the match time written in the match plan. If players come late, the referee is supposed to find suitable substitutes or start a match as 2vs2. If this is not possible, the referee has the option to wait for the delayed players (in case other players agree) or to reschedule the match. A live-join into a running match should only be allowed if only players enter but nobody leaves. Anyway the referee is allowed to take any action regarding this point if it helps the team balance.
  • The game is only stopped if a player disconnects, is obviously unable to play or directly asks for a break.
  • If the number of players is incomplete after loading a map, the referee should wait maximal a half minute or use the lobby command immediatelly to restart the match.
  • If time is wasted during a match the referee should keep this time in mind to add additional time later. The wasted time is rounded to integer numbers of minutes. For wasted times below one minute the referee has the right to skip additional time in case the match is already clearly decided.

  • 6.5 Punishments
    Referees can give yellow cards to misbehaving players:
  • If a player comes more than 5 minutes too late to a match.
  • If a player keeps insulting other players.
  • If a player does gamethrowing, such as leaving the game without reason or purposely playing against their own team.

  • Note that the referee will always warn the misbehaving player before giving a yellow card.
    Yellow cards result in punishments:
  • Two yellow cards mean that the player has to play the next game with Tux.
  • The third yellow card means that the next game has to be played with Gnu.
  • The fourth yellow card means that the next game has to be played with Pidgin.
  • After five yellow cards the player misses the next match and is not substituted.

  • In case someone keeps misbehaving seriously, organizers have the right to show a red card to this player which means disqualifying them from the tournament.

    If a player doesnt show up at matches and ignoring messages of organizers after or seems inactive/unreliable, the player can be forced to be subsitute and replaced through a former substitute which promotes to a player. This action is only taken by organizers and mostly in the first matches.

    Already given yellow cards:

    Player Yellow Cards

    6.6 Alternative Accounts
    It is not intended to play in the tournament with more than one account, even if it is not explicitly forbidden. Alternative accounts have to differ from the main account at least by the choise of kart. In addition, the player himself is responsible for finding a suitable substitude for the game against his alt. Violations of these conditions will result in a yellow card for all accounts of this person.